My R&D activity includes project management and development, specialized training courses, technical consulting and research.
Next you may find some publications related with my activity on academia:
Progressive Server-Side Rendering with Suspendable Web Templates, 25th edition of WISE, Doha, Qatar, 2024 (slides).
Enhancing SSR in Low-Thread Web Servers, Pedro Fialho and Miguel Gamboa, 19th WebIst, Rome, 2023 (slides).
Deconstructing yield Operator to Enhance Streams Processing, Diogo Poeira and Miguel Gamboa, 16th International Conference on Software Technologies - ICSOFT, 143-150, 2021
Enhanced Streams Processing with Kotlin’s Sequence Interface, Diogo Poeira and Miguel Gamboa, InfoQ, Jan 2021
Text Web Templates Considered Harmful, Fernando Miguel Carvalho, Luis Duarte and Julien Gouesse, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing book series (LNBIP, volume 399), November 2020
Stretching Async/Await With Lambdas, Miguel Gamboa, DZone – Java Zone, Jun 2020
Bridge the Gap of Zip Operation, Diogo Poeira and Miguel Gamboa, DZone – Java Zone, May 2020
express-sitemap-html, An express middleware that builds an HTML sitemap dynamically
HoT: Unleash Web Views with Higher-order Templates, Luís Duarte and Miguel Gamboa, 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Vienna, 2019
Modern Type-Safe Template Engines, Luís Duarte and Miguel Gamboa, DZone – Web Dev Zone, Nov 2018
How to Reuse Java Streams, Miguel Gamboa, DZone – Java Zone, Jun 2018
AsyncFileRw – Asynchronous non-blocking File Reader and Writer library for Java
Optimizing Memory Transactions for Large-Scale Programs, FM Carvalho, J Cachopo, Journal title: Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (2016), Elsevier, pp. 13-24 DOI information: 10.1016/j.jpdc.2015.12.001
PhD dissertation 2014, Optimizing Memory Transactions for Large-Scale Programs, Fernando Miguel Gamboa de Carvalho
Lightweight identification of captured memory for software transactional memory, FM Carvalho, J Cachopo, Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing 2013, 15-29, 3 – BEST PAPER AWARD
Runtime elision of transactional barriers for captured
memory FM Carvalho, J Cachopo,
ACM SIGPLAN Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP)
2013 48 (8), 303-304
Suporte a Testes Automáticos em Aplicações Web geradas com a OutSystems Platform, Ricardo Neto, Tiago L. Alves, Fernando Miguel Carvalho, INForum 2013 - 5o Simpósio de Informática
Adaptive object metadata to reduce the overheads of a multi-versioning STM, Fernando Miguel Carvalho and João Cachopo, Multiprog 2012, Paris
Objects with adaptive accessors to avoid STM barriers, Fernando Miguel Carvalho and João Cachopo, Euro-TM Workshop on Transactional Memory (WTM 2012), Bern
STM with transparent API considered harmful FM Carvalho, J Cachopo, Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing 2011, 326-337, 4
Distributed resolution of feature interactions for internet applications, RG Crespo, M Carvalho, L Logrippo, Journal title: Computer Networks 51 (2), 382-397, 2007, Elsevier
An Adviser for Efficiently Resolve Email Feature Interactions, FM Carvalho and RG Crespo, AICT-ICIW ‘06 Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services, Page 175, 2006
MsC dissertation 2005, Distributed resolution of feature interactions for internet applications, Fernando Miguel Carvalho
Feature interaction resolver for James Email server, 2005, Fernando Miguel Carvalho
An experimental distributed resolution of WWW interactions, FM Carvalho and RG Crespo, IADIS Conference WWW/Internet 2005, 283-290, vol 2, 2005